2nd Miracle

Second time. We want those second chances when we fail, miss the mark, sin, or hurt another. But we don’t want another round of difficulty, like the wave 2 of covid or when cancer shows it face to your family for the second time.

Daddy was first diagnosed with cancer last 2016. After 2 major surgeries and several cycles of chemotherapy, his body became free of those nasty cancer cells back in Jan 2018. 

Then last quarter of 2021, we got the news that there is a new growth of cancer cells in his liver. For the past several months, his CEA marker results (i.e. lab test that looks at tumor markers) were on an uphill trend. It shouldn’t have been as shocking, but it still hit just as hard.

It was the second time. His cancer has recurred, and there’s this idea that a recurrence signifies a more aggressive attack. 

The thing is God has spoken early on. He spoke clearly at that time. He told me in Jeremiah 30:17 “But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord.” My mind wanted to hold on to this, but it was tough when the days go on and fear started to creep in. 

God told my mom that he will “do it again.” I wanted to believe this so much, but a big chunk of my heart doubted that God will give us a second miracle. I thought He has already healed daddy once. Who are we that He would do it for our family the second time around? Guilt and blame even joined the war in my heart — Were we negligent? Should we have been stricter? Vigilant? 

God comforted my heart and silenced the lies. He assured me that we will go through this as a family. 

And we did. 

Daddy started his intensive chemotherapy last Oct. It was tough to hold up and fight at his age. He’s older, the cancer has grown, and the treatment was stronger than what he underwent years back. Side effects were there — his hair thinned, his hands and feet have grown darker, and the strong urge to throw up.

It was hard, but he kept on fighting. I realized that I am so proud to be called his daughter — my brave and fighting daddy. 

Now after 8 cycles, daddy and our family got a second miracle. ❤️ Daddy is healed of cancer.

After his 8th chemotherapy cycle

He is a survivor who can testify once again about God’s goodness. 

This 2nd miracle taught me… 

That God keeps His promise even when my faith at times falter.

That God can turn even the bad into something good. He brought our family even closer.

That God is and will continue to be with my family and for this I find peace.

Lunch after daddy’s last PET CT Scan.

God did His first miraculous healing a few years back. He did it again this 2022. And I know that He can do His miracles over and over again when He say He would.

He did it for us, and He can also do it for you. Just keep on believing.

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