What I Learned About Finances in This Time of Pandemic

Imagine here with me. You have faithfully worked for the past decade as a corporate employee, cherishing that stability afforded to you by a bi-monthly income. Then suddenly, you decided to take a short break late last year. No new work, just taking your time to reenergize and realign.

When you decided to get back to your career and change path towards self-employment, a pandemic hits! The world stopped and so did your plans.

This was my story.

But what I want to recount is not the life hacks I did to save or budget my finances. What I want to share is how God has consistently provided for all my needs and even wants during this “no work” pandemic.

Let me start by revisiting that roller-coaster of emotions..

When I resigned with no work, I thought I was already prudent with a sizable savings account and enough fund in my bank account to pay off our monthly amortization in the next months.

So when the pandemic hit, it left me worried, confused, and shaky. What I took as a well-thought out plan turned out to be fragile. It broke, shattered easily.

My emotions were on a roller-coaster. There were times of calm when the Word of God would assure me that He is my provider. But there were times when worry would creep in when I start to think about the future. “What if this pandemic gets extended, and my savings starts to run low?” “What if one of us gets sick, and I don’t have enough to pay for the bills?” So many what ifs.

But in all these, God has stepped in so many times with His provision. He showed me that He knows what I need, and He is always right on time. His moves include the time when…

my dad found a whole chicken being sold at a nearby bakery when I wanted something else than canned goods.

I came across kuya and his karitela of bananas in front of our place when I needed a bunch for my banana bread.

my friend contacted me as she wanted to pay off her debt to me which was at least over 3 years ago.

clients requested that I design and facilitate a Train-the-Trainer, corporate presence, and team building program for their teams

So many more, but I highlighted these because God showed me that…

He cares about my wants, whether as petty as a whole chicken or banana…

His ways are unexpectedly beautiful like when He reminded my friend to settle a debt which I’ve forgotten…

He is way stronger than a pandemic and nothing can stop Him from bringing me back to His purpose for my life as a trainer…

His timing is oh-so-right and enough with what I need. Not lacking anything.

Now, do I worry about my finances? There are still days that I do, but I don’t dwell on it. I go back instead to God’s faithfulness and abundant grace. And I know I have been and will be taken cared of, even in the midst of a pandemic.

Source: YouVersion